Posted Leave a commentPosted in Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Education & Advocacy, Green Living, Homes and Gardens, Hunger & Poverty, Policy & Governance, Sustainable Development

Composting is great and I am a big fan, but it isn’t the only option for some of your kitchen scraps. If you’ve always wanted to do some gardening for yourself and grow some of your own vegetables, then here is a good place to start. I came across this very practical and helpful piece […]


Posted Leave a commentPosted in Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Education & Advocacy, Environmental Law, Green Living, Homes and Gardens, Hunger & Poverty, Policy & Governance, Sustainable Development

A LOOK AT THE MONEY So you have chosen to eat Organic, at least some of the time but you are concerned about costs. Generally, Organic Food is more expensive because it is more labour intensive (remember no pesticides, chemical fertilizers or drugs), Organic certification is expensive, Organic feed is costly, Organic farms are often […]